🎥Watch a 1600 sqft. 3Bed/2Bath custom Ranch 🏗 “set” in under 6 minutes! 🤩 It went from an 8 foot full foundation to a fully-constructed home (with 3,200 total sqft) in under 6 hours! Not a bad way to spend half a days work! From the “first look” 👀 for our wonderful clients during their initial walkthrough, to videos of the technical, construction & interior details…this video shows you what to expect on “Set Day”! So happy for you, Frank & Michelle!!!😍👌👏#welovewhatwedo #nevergetsold . . . Give a 👏 in the comments below for our amazing Set Day Crew & this wonderful family who will be moving in soon! #modularisthefuture #buffalomodularhomes #modularhomes #buffalove #wny #homebuilders #gogreen #timelapse
Buffalo Modular Homes: A full modular home “SET DAY” experience in under 6 minutes!