
Happy Thanksgiving! 2020

  • Jeremy Bates by Jeremy Bates
  • 4 years ago
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We have so much to be thankful for this year!!  Our health, great customers, an abundance of work, dedicated employees and contractors, life, family, and friends!!  

Enjoy a happy and restful thanksgiving!

With warm and sincere regards,
Jeremy Bates
…and all of us at Buffalo Modular Homes!

P.S.  As so many have been negatively impacted by recent events this year, please know that God’s love is eternal.  As is says in Matthew 10:31 “So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”  If you need daily prayer or encouragement please visit our friends at Our Daily Bread! email us to get startedemail us to get started
Buffalo Modular Homes, Inc.
4185 Transit Rd, Williamsville, NY 14221
716-313-2714 O | 716-313-2019 F
sales@BuffaloModularHomes.com | www.BuffaloModularHomes.com


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